Farm4Profit Podcast

The Real ROI of Renewable Energy and Agriculture Coexistence

Episode Summary

We talk about the scary world of large-scale solar and wind projects. Discover how these utility-scale renewable energy ventures get started, what it's like for farmers to lease their land, and how these projects can coexist with agriculture. We'll also explore the pros and cons, ask hard questions, and offer advice for landowners

Episode Notes

How do “Large Scale” Solar and Wind projects get started?

1. What defines a utility-scale renewable energy project and how it works (quick definition of wind/solar projects and how they work)

2. What it’s like for a farmer to lease land to a renewable energy project (speaking with developers, signing a lease, etc)

3. How renewable energy projects can (and should) coexist with agriculture: (i.e. how wind turbines take very little space from farming land so farmers can continue to work the land. Not the same for solar projects, but farmers can grow crops next to solar sites, herd sheep within solar sites, and how the land will be fertile for agriculture once the solar site is decommissioned).

4. Pros and cons of leasing land to a renewable energy project


✅Pros of leasing land to a renewable energy project:

❎Cons of leasing land to a renewable energy project:


5. How generating solar/wind energy is a form of harvesting in itself

6. Things to consider if you’re a farmer considering leasing land to a renewable energy project.

7. Opportunity to answer commonly asked questions/misconceptions of renewable energy projects

8. Advice to farm landowners considering leasing land to a solar or wind project.


*It goes without saying but it’s important for landowners considering leasing land to a clean energy project to consult with relevant legal and financial experts for their unique situation before finalizing any agreements. There are resources like the Center for Rural Opportunity and Power (CROP) that provide good, unbiased information on how to get access to these resources as a landowner. CROP’s mission is to educate audiences about the benefits of energy independence.You can visit their website or drop them an email for more info.