Farm4Profit Podcast

Simple Start to you Business Plan w/ Andy "Caygeon" Junkin

Episode Summary

Earlier talking with Jace we discussed how having a business plan is crucial to the success of having a legacy farm. We circle back with Andy to help you get started putting one together. We learn quickly that the business plan could be the beginning steps to helping stubborn farmers put their succession plan together.

Episode Notes

Five things I want to talk about today:  


1/  This article:


2/  The importance of having a BHAG written on the side of your shed.    


3/  Walk before you run.  The importance of learning to listen to each other first prior to talking big picture.  The importance of focusing on short term goals.  What I do in the first 90 days prior to doing strategic planning:  


A/  Get families better managing their time.  (see postcards picture):  

B/  Getting families learning to problem solve together. 

C/  Get families to learn to listen/respect each other.  


4/  What you tell yourself everyday.  The importance of writing out goals on the blackboard.  


5/  Writing down what you struggle with the most, inside your wallet.