Farm4Profit Podcast

Market Check: Assessing the Pulse of Ag Equipment & Land

Episode Summary

In today's deep dive, we'll explore the intricacies of the equipment market with our expert guest Casey Seymour. From the impact of COVID and Farm Bill discussions to global relations and the pulse of different equipment categories, we're covering it all. Discover the trends, successes, and challenges sellers and buyers face, and get ready for some exclusive insights on what to expect in 2024. Don't miss our expert advice for both sellers and buyers in this information-packed episode!

Episode Notes

General Questions

  1. Who have the sellers been?
  2. Who have the buyers been?
  3. When you reflect on successful sales.  Is there something sellers have been doing that has really been working? or set their sale apart from the rest?
  4. How about flipping the script.  What is your best advice for a buyer
  5. Do you have a prediction for 2024?
  6. Anything else you’d like our listeners to know?
  7. Reminder to share CONTACT INFO 


  1. What’s your favorite part about what you do?

