Farm4Profit Podcast

F4F - Neil Dahlstrom - Lover of History

Episode Summary

Today on the show… We meet up with a man that might have one of the coolest jobs in the world…if you’re into history.  This man is a husband, father, number 1 selling author, an archivist, writer, and speaker.  You can find his work in books like Tractor Wars, The John Deere Story, and Lincoln’s Wrath.  What a resume to have when you’re the historian and archivist for one of the best Ag Companies in the World John Deere!  Please welcome from the quad cities, Mr Neil Dahlstrom!!!

Episode Notes




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What is the best thing you have eaten and where did you get it?

Swillah, 06/08/2024

Thank you. 5 stars

This review is coming from a guy who has grown up in the inner city, Chicago specifically. Ironically, living in the city most of my life has fueled my desire for a more rural life and that’s led me to AG, and AG related podcasts. I love everything about the life and the information you gentlemen give us weekly. My eyes have really been opened. Keep up the excellent work.


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